- Mass Effect 3 Hair Color
- Mass Effect 3 Change Hair Color
- Mass Effect Hair Mod
- Mass Effect Color Palette
- Mass Effect 2 Hair Color Vectors
Over the past few weeks, you may have found yourself preoccupied with the color of Commander Shepard's hair. If so, you likely fall into one of two camps. In the Mass Effect series, you play. Hair color can be customized with 64 different colors. Facial hair color for males uses these same colors. So I am excited to play Mass Effect 2 for the first time but before I do so I was wondering if there is any sort of mod that allows you to make your character's hair an unnatural color. I was hoping to make a female Shepherd and give her some blue hair, I'm pretty sure the vanilla game only gives you natural colors to choose from and I was hoping there was a mod I could download to.
For Mass Effect 2 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Looking for a hair mesh codes list'.
I successfully managed to get the ME3 default femshep facial texture onto my custom femshep. I'm just compiling information others have shared into one place. Give the credit to the makers of the Gibbed's ME3 editor and a number of users on these forums.
*Depending on which nose shape and facial structure you use in creating your custom femshep, you may notice some minor texture artifacts around the bottom of your femshep's nose. In my opinion, these artifacts are worth how much better the default facial texture looks compared to the presets, and for me, these are unnoticeable in all but a few weird angles. But if anyone comes up with a solution, please share!
**I'm not responsible if your savefile is corrupted. Make sure to back up your original savegame somewhere.**
If you're doing this on Xbox, you'll need some other things first to transfer your save file to your computer. I use Xplorer and Modio for this, and the method is the same as for Mass Effect 2 savefiles.
1) Download Gibbed's Mass Effect 3 Editor. The latest build can be found here:
2) Open your extracted .xbsav or .pcsav file in the editor. As of this post, the Player and Plot tabs in the editor are unavailable. Click on the raw tab.
3) Click the little arrows to open up the lists under Squad -> Player -> Appearance -> Morph Head
4) Click on Texture parameters and the click on the small button with the ellipsis to the right of where it says Collection.
5) Once in this menu, this is where you'll need to change which textures your savefiles looks for when rendering your character.
Change the values under each key to the following:
Key: HED_Scalp_Diff
Value: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Scalp_Diff
Key: HED_Scalp_Norm
Value: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Scalp_Norm
Key: HED_Diff'
Value: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Face_Diff
Key: HED_Norm
Value: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROSheppard_Face_Norm_Stack
Key: HED_Brow
Value: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.Base.HMF_HED_PROCustom_Blank_Norm
Click OK and back out to the main Editor panel. Save your savefile. For Xbox, you'll need to Inject your savefile properly with Modio (or another program), making sure to Rehash and Resign, and then use Xplorer (or another program) and your Xbox-formatted jump drive to load the save into your game.
There you go! Your femshep should have the facial structure, eye color, and hair color you've slaved to choose and create, but will have the freckled, eye-shadowed, lip-sticked face of the ME3 default femshep!
How to use the Default Femshep hairstyle, without clipping issues! Courtesy of Dizzig
If you've tried to used the Default hairstyle before, you've noticed a bald spot due to the hair clipping through the custom character forehead. This is because Bioware decided to use a different shape for the default femshep head. To fix it, you'll need to edit the actual vertices that define the head shape, essentially moving them farther back behind the hair so it appears to fit properly.
First, change the hair mesh to:
Then, change the Hair_Diff texture to:
Now to the tedious part. Until Gibbed figures out a way to import and export Lod0Vertices, we'll have to edit them by hand. Locate the Lod0Vertices section, and change the following. Where you see commas in the following list, such as 5,5, this means 5.5. A comma is a decimal point in these cases. There is a very small clipping issue remaining farther up the scalp near the part. It is barely noticeable.
Index Number = X/Y
250 = 5/2
251 = 6/1
252 = 5/1
253 = 4/2
254 = 3/2
255 = 3/1
256 = 1/1
257 = 1/2
269 = 0,5/5,5
270 = 1/5,5
271 = 1,5/5,5
287 = 3/4
288 = 4/4
289 = 5/3
290 = 4/3
291 = 2/4
292 = 3/3
293 = 1/4
330 = 1,5/4,5
331 = 2,5/4,5
340 = 1/4,5
355 = 5,5/1,5
356 = 6,5/1,5
357 = 3,5/1
358 = 3,5/1,5
362 = pending
363 = pending
364 = pending
365 = pending
366 = pending
369 = 2/4,5
1460 = 6,5/1,5
1461 = 6,5/0,860723436
1462 = 5,5/3,5
1463 = 4,5/4,5
1464 = 6,5/2,5
1465 = 3,5/5,5
1466 = 3,5/5,5
As you can imagine, teasing this out by hand would have been incredibly tedious. A big thanks to Dizzig for a heroic effort in figuring this out.
How to darken makeup to make your femshep look more like ME2
For those of you that just want darker eyeshadow, adjusted skin tone, or the ME2 auburn / red hair color, here are some adjustments in Gibbed's Editor I find to work well. I think this is a closer match to how faces look in ME2. Use these with the default preset complexions.
Changing the face code field in the editor after the game has started will not alter your face, just the code displayed in the squad menu. To change your facial appearance mid-game, you'll need to alter the head morph, or import a new one.
Edit: The following colors here have been pleasantly rendered obsolete by the new versions of Gibbed that include a color picker. I'll keep them here for reference. To use these values in the color picker, multiply them by 255. Of course, they can still be entered into the Raw section as before.
SkinTone -- skin tones look bleached in ME3. this is slightly darker from the old default, looks more like ME2
B: 0.16114029
G: 0.284192272
R: 0.6474706
Edit: 3/31/12 - Hair colors in ME3 are more complicated, using multiple variables adjusting the color can make a difference but the changes may not always be intuitive.
HED_Hair_Color_Vector -- ME2 red/auburn hair color
B: 0.0445526168
G: 0.0846414939
R: 0.215764433
EyeShadow_Tint_Vector -- ME2 darkest eye shadow color
B: 0.019918
G: 0.004559
R: 0.019918
HED_Brow_Tint_Vector -- ME2 darkest eye shadow color
B: 0.009021491
G: 0.00775102666
R: 0.009021491
HED_Brow_Tint_Scalar -- ME2 darkest eye shadow
HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar -- slightly more glossy lips
HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar -- slightly darker lips
Hair Mesh - slightly different hairstyle, works better with visors, helmets, etc
Edited by Captain Arty, 03 April 2012 - 04:41 AM.
Mass Effect Andromeda is a popular game that has excellent gameplay for game lovers.
However, players sometimes feel that some features are missing from the competition.
The missing elements that could have made everything better than it is, are the reason some developers have taken up the task of creating all in the missing features as a mod.
Today, many mass effect Andromeda mods can bring a new view of gaming experience to the game.
Related: Best Torchlight II Mods , Best Skyrim Graphics Mods
Our List Of Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods
We still believe that in years to come there will be many mass effect Andromeda mods to be developed.
Here are the top mods to boost your gameplay:
Shut up Sam
Sam is like artificial intelligence that helps you during the gameplay by directing you on what you must do to survive.
However, it typically annoying when the voice keeps leading you to another area while you know that you need to get some contents like guns from the other location.
Nevertheless, with the mod shut up Sam, you will not be getting those annoying talk because it will shut up Sam.
If you are still wondering about how you can proceed forward without Sam's voice?
You can be reading through the on-screen comments for temperature, life support and radiation level to determine what to do.
- No more annoying AI sounds that will keep speaking every minute.
- You will not be getting the sound warning each movement you take.
- Sam will be offline once the mod is applied.
Road Range Mod
Road range mod is what we should not be able to ignore in the mass effect Andromeda games.
The mod pack includes different type of vehicles skins, which you can choose.
With this mod pack, you have complete access to customizing the nomad four-wheel vehicle to suit your demand.
The mod pack can help you increase the amount of damage that the nomad vehicle can do to enemies whenever you hit them.
That is not all; you can even upgrade your vehicle speed to reach where you are going in the shortest period.
- It has the various skins for your nomad vehicle.
- It allows you to add a different feature to your ride.
- Damage effect of the vehicle can be altered.
- The mod gives you the ability to change vehicle speed with the upgrade.
Better squad
Every player of the mass effect Andromeda has put up a lousy comment concerning the team.
The official team you get when playing the mass effect Andromeda is very annoying because they lack ability.
However, with the new mod squad, you can at least get a new change that can probably suit your demands.
Developers have tried to bring the gaming squad to a new level but unable to do much than little alterations.
Updating this mod will improve your squad activities but even as at that, you will found out that your squad are still not strong enough.
Nevertheless, the mod gives them another feature which is a balance, allowing them to focus on the gameplay than taking care of the wounded.
- The mod improves the balance of your squad.
- They are a little more severe and focus than they are before.
- Your gaming process will be quite more comfortable than before.
Romance For All Mod
With love for all mod, you will not be under the gender romance restriction again.
It means that you can romance all of the more than they can romance a single person to get the best fun out of the gaming experience.
The mod brings complete joy out without restriction on what you can do.
It will allow you to explore more options other than the correct settings.
All of your squadmates can be romance no matter their gender preference, and you can even have multiple fantasies with them.
- The mod removes the romance gender restriction from the official game settings.
- You will have the ability to romance more than a single person.
- With this mod, no matter your squad preference, you can romance them.
Increased the Inventory Size Mod
The inventory is one of the things that is annoying during gameplay due to its limitation in picking almost everything.
You might sometimes end up disposing of the items you have to have enough space for new items.
However, with the increasing inventory size mod, you can scale up the inventory size up to its limit.
The mod pack includes a toolkit for enhancing your inventory space.
With this mod pack, you have complete access to various items being stored on your inventory.
We gamers always get bored with having a low stock, which does not contain much.
The new kit will allow you to pick different varieties of items throughout your gameplay.
You do not need to see the annoying inventory full notification again.
- Brings a new feature that allows you to pick more loots.
- It is straightforward to customize.
- It increases the inventory space without closing the game.
- The mod installation guide most is to ensure an accurate result.
Shorter landing and departure mods
The mass effect Andromeda-Tempest is designed to look beautiful, but with lots of cut scenes, it will eventually be terrible.
Instead of getting right into the game, you will be landing and departing almost every time, which means nothing to you.
Going through the same cut scene repeatedly will be quite tiring, which will get you looking for a way to skip them entirely.
With the shorter landing and departing mods, you will have the ability to skip the cut scene process to suit your demand.
You can regulate the scene to take less than 20 sec, which is quite low.
- You can cut down the arrival and departing scenes for as low as 20 sec.
- You will not have to go through the stress of waiting again.
- The mod is quite easy to install.
Hypermobility – Mass Effect Andromeda mods
Improve the mobility of your squad, equipping them to react much fast when an issue arises.
The hyperactive versatility gives you a new gaming experience where you get to be extremely fast.
You and your squads will not have to think again before making a move. Your character will jump and move much quicker than before.
- The mod allows you to improve the agility of your squad.
- You can now run and jump faster than before.
- It boosts the gameplay to another level.
All Player Audio Muter Mod
The audio muter mod helps you in disabling characters sound, which you feel uncomfortable hearing the gameplay.
It does not matter if it is the default game sound, with this mod customization is possible.
Sometimes you might even experience terrible pain sound, especially when a weapon hits you during the gameplay; all player audio muter mod ends it.
- It brings a new soundless game action.
- It is straightforward to customize.
- It can disable pain, jumping, and sprinting game noise.
Unleash Full Gameplay Mod
The mass effect Andromeda optimization mod helps gamers with a low-quality console to run the game without lags and glitches problem.
Even though the fix might lower the graphic game quality depending on the current console features, you are using.
It is another conveniently organize mass effect Andromeda mods with excellent arranging choices and fantastic design.
An optimizing mass effect mod can easily give gamers the ability to play the game smoothly.
Alongside this, it has an exceptionally fresh alternative design in bringing out the best view after applying.
- Brings out a wonderful design
- Enables low ends console to run the game efficiently
- It fixes all lag and glitches issue on mass effect.
Graphics and Visuals Mods
The mod increases the view of borderland 2 with a unique environment, characters, and much more.
There is more to experience when using the graphic mods because it brings the best gameplay with its new packs.
The mod brings out that classic view of gameplay that you might be looking for added with beautiful design effects.
It changes varieties of colours to make it more realistic.
You are likely to find the colour of most items and weapon change after applying this mod. It helps when distinguishing one piece from another.
- It changes item and background effects.
- It changes other items and weapons colour.
- It works with other mods.
Maps Mods
Map mods are trendy among all mass effects Andromeda mods, most of them grant you complete access to discover items or other locations.
When using these mods, there is no way that you can be lost during the gameplay.
All those increases the game navigational features to the max to find the target easily.
- It allows you to find a location quickly.
- You can discover more hidden items than before.
- You will not be able to get lost during the gameplay again.
Mass Effect 3 Hair Color
Outfit Mod For Mass Effect
The tight outfit mod help in adjusting the clothing texture. After the end of the fantastic old outfit mods.
Nearly everybody thought that the purpose of outfits is near.
Especially when older mods do not override much file than this current version.
However, covered outfit mod look precisely compatible based on the game cloth and have nearly had everything required by gamers to overtake the old boring outerwear.
In the mass effect game, the covered clothing mod brings out the best experience.
- It gives gamers access to a well-design outfits
- It gives you access to new types of
- It is straightforward to customize.
Model and Texture Mods
It is another incredible mod with excellent outcomes and a slick interface.
Model and texture mods have large design models and textures with no irritating objects inside.
It has one of the most prominent confirmed features like skins, improved texture, unique clothing, and new redesign cars & guns.
- It changes the texture of both guns and clothing.
- The mod comes with a massive pack of customizations.
- No more irritating objects again.
Control Mod – Mass Effect Andromeda mods
As the name implies, the control scheme mod gives gamers full access to the mass effect is hidden and available features.
Even to the extent of modifying and adjusting the control to match your current gamepad, which can be hard in other mods.
The control scheme mod works best in allowing you to cheat during gameplay. The mod development features are stable and accurate.
- It gives gamers access to add a new control type.
- It gives you the ability of mapping control.
- It works on a control pad.
- It is straightforward to customize.
330 = 1,5/4,5
331 = 2,5/4,5
340 = 1/4,5
355 = 5,5/1,5
356 = 6,5/1,5
357 = 3,5/1
358 = 3,5/1,5
362 = pending
363 = pending
364 = pending
365 = pending
366 = pending
369 = 2/4,5
1460 = 6,5/1,5
1461 = 6,5/0,860723436
1462 = 5,5/3,5
1463 = 4,5/4,5
1464 = 6,5/2,5
1465 = 3,5/5,5
1466 = 3,5/5,5
As you can imagine, teasing this out by hand would have been incredibly tedious. A big thanks to Dizzig for a heroic effort in figuring this out.
How to darken makeup to make your femshep look more like ME2
For those of you that just want darker eyeshadow, adjusted skin tone, or the ME2 auburn / red hair color, here are some adjustments in Gibbed's Editor I find to work well. I think this is a closer match to how faces look in ME2. Use these with the default preset complexions.
Changing the face code field in the editor after the game has started will not alter your face, just the code displayed in the squad menu. To change your facial appearance mid-game, you'll need to alter the head morph, or import a new one.
Edit: The following colors here have been pleasantly rendered obsolete by the new versions of Gibbed that include a color picker. I'll keep them here for reference. To use these values in the color picker, multiply them by 255. Of course, they can still be entered into the Raw section as before.
SkinTone -- skin tones look bleached in ME3. this is slightly darker from the old default, looks more like ME2
B: 0.16114029
G: 0.284192272
R: 0.6474706
Edit: 3/31/12 - Hair colors in ME3 are more complicated, using multiple variables adjusting the color can make a difference but the changes may not always be intuitive.
HED_Hair_Color_Vector -- ME2 red/auburn hair color
B: 0.0445526168
G: 0.0846414939
R: 0.215764433
EyeShadow_Tint_Vector -- ME2 darkest eye shadow color
B: 0.019918
G: 0.004559
R: 0.019918
HED_Brow_Tint_Vector -- ME2 darkest eye shadow color
B: 0.009021491
G: 0.00775102666
R: 0.009021491
HED_Brow_Tint_Scalar -- ME2 darkest eye shadow
HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar -- slightly more glossy lips
HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar -- slightly darker lips
Hair Mesh - slightly different hairstyle, works better with visors, helmets, etc
Edited by Captain Arty, 03 April 2012 - 04:41 AM.
Mass Effect Andromeda is a popular game that has excellent gameplay for game lovers.
However, players sometimes feel that some features are missing from the competition.
The missing elements that could have made everything better than it is, are the reason some developers have taken up the task of creating all in the missing features as a mod.
Today, many mass effect Andromeda mods can bring a new view of gaming experience to the game.
Related: Best Torchlight II Mods , Best Skyrim Graphics Mods
Our List Of Best Mass Effect Andromeda Mods
We still believe that in years to come there will be many mass effect Andromeda mods to be developed.
Here are the top mods to boost your gameplay:
Shut up Sam
Sam is like artificial intelligence that helps you during the gameplay by directing you on what you must do to survive.
However, it typically annoying when the voice keeps leading you to another area while you know that you need to get some contents like guns from the other location.
Nevertheless, with the mod shut up Sam, you will not be getting those annoying talk because it will shut up Sam.
If you are still wondering about how you can proceed forward without Sam's voice?
You can be reading through the on-screen comments for temperature, life support and radiation level to determine what to do.
- No more annoying AI sounds that will keep speaking every minute.
- You will not be getting the sound warning each movement you take.
- Sam will be offline once the mod is applied.
Road Range Mod
Road range mod is what we should not be able to ignore in the mass effect Andromeda games.
The mod pack includes different type of vehicles skins, which you can choose.
With this mod pack, you have complete access to customizing the nomad four-wheel vehicle to suit your demand.
The mod pack can help you increase the amount of damage that the nomad vehicle can do to enemies whenever you hit them.
That is not all; you can even upgrade your vehicle speed to reach where you are going in the shortest period.
- It has the various skins for your nomad vehicle.
- It allows you to add a different feature to your ride.
- Damage effect of the vehicle can be altered.
- The mod gives you the ability to change vehicle speed with the upgrade.
Better squad
Every player of the mass effect Andromeda has put up a lousy comment concerning the team.
The official team you get when playing the mass effect Andromeda is very annoying because they lack ability.
However, with the new mod squad, you can at least get a new change that can probably suit your demands.
Developers have tried to bring the gaming squad to a new level but unable to do much than little alterations.
Updating this mod will improve your squad activities but even as at that, you will found out that your squad are still not strong enough.
Nevertheless, the mod gives them another feature which is a balance, allowing them to focus on the gameplay than taking care of the wounded.
- The mod improves the balance of your squad.
- They are a little more severe and focus than they are before.
- Your gaming process will be quite more comfortable than before.
Romance For All Mod
With love for all mod, you will not be under the gender romance restriction again.
It means that you can romance all of the more than they can romance a single person to get the best fun out of the gaming experience.
The mod brings complete joy out without restriction on what you can do.
It will allow you to explore more options other than the correct settings.
All of your squadmates can be romance no matter their gender preference, and you can even have multiple fantasies with them.
- The mod removes the romance gender restriction from the official game settings.
- You will have the ability to romance more than a single person.
- With this mod, no matter your squad preference, you can romance them.
Increased the Inventory Size Mod
The inventory is one of the things that is annoying during gameplay due to its limitation in picking almost everything.
You might sometimes end up disposing of the items you have to have enough space for new items.
However, with the increasing inventory size mod, you can scale up the inventory size up to its limit.
The mod pack includes a toolkit for enhancing your inventory space.
With this mod pack, you have complete access to various items being stored on your inventory.
We gamers always get bored with having a low stock, which does not contain much.
The new kit will allow you to pick different varieties of items throughout your gameplay.
You do not need to see the annoying inventory full notification again.
- Brings a new feature that allows you to pick more loots.
- It is straightforward to customize.
- It increases the inventory space without closing the game.
- The mod installation guide most is to ensure an accurate result.
Shorter landing and departure mods
The mass effect Andromeda-Tempest is designed to look beautiful, but with lots of cut scenes, it will eventually be terrible.
Instead of getting right into the game, you will be landing and departing almost every time, which means nothing to you.
Going through the same cut scene repeatedly will be quite tiring, which will get you looking for a way to skip them entirely.
With the shorter landing and departing mods, you will have the ability to skip the cut scene process to suit your demand.
You can regulate the scene to take less than 20 sec, which is quite low.
- You can cut down the arrival and departing scenes for as low as 20 sec.
- You will not have to go through the stress of waiting again.
- The mod is quite easy to install.
Hypermobility – Mass Effect Andromeda mods
Improve the mobility of your squad, equipping them to react much fast when an issue arises.
The hyperactive versatility gives you a new gaming experience where you get to be extremely fast.
You and your squads will not have to think again before making a move. Your character will jump and move much quicker than before.
- The mod allows you to improve the agility of your squad.
- You can now run and jump faster than before.
- It boosts the gameplay to another level.
All Player Audio Muter Mod
The audio muter mod helps you in disabling characters sound, which you feel uncomfortable hearing the gameplay.
It does not matter if it is the default game sound, with this mod customization is possible.
Sometimes you might even experience terrible pain sound, especially when a weapon hits you during the gameplay; all player audio muter mod ends it.
- It brings a new soundless game action.
- It is straightforward to customize.
- It can disable pain, jumping, and sprinting game noise.
Unleash Full Gameplay Mod
The mass effect Andromeda optimization mod helps gamers with a low-quality console to run the game without lags and glitches problem.
Even though the fix might lower the graphic game quality depending on the current console features, you are using.
It is another conveniently organize mass effect Andromeda mods with excellent arranging choices and fantastic design.
An optimizing mass effect mod can easily give gamers the ability to play the game smoothly.
Alongside this, it has an exceptionally fresh alternative design in bringing out the best view after applying.
- Brings out a wonderful design
- Enables low ends console to run the game efficiently
- It fixes all lag and glitches issue on mass effect.
Graphics and Visuals Mods
The mod increases the view of borderland 2 with a unique environment, characters, and much more.
There is more to experience when using the graphic mods because it brings the best gameplay with its new packs.
The mod brings out that classic view of gameplay that you might be looking for added with beautiful design effects.
It changes varieties of colours to make it more realistic.
You are likely to find the colour of most items and weapon change after applying this mod. It helps when distinguishing one piece from another.
- It changes item and background effects.
- It changes other items and weapons colour.
- It works with other mods.
Maps Mods
Map mods are trendy among all mass effects Andromeda mods, most of them grant you complete access to discover items or other locations.
When using these mods, there is no way that you can be lost during the gameplay.
All those increases the game navigational features to the max to find the target easily.
- It allows you to find a location quickly.
- You can discover more hidden items than before.
- You will not be able to get lost during the gameplay again.
Mass Effect 3 Hair Color
Outfit Mod For Mass Effect
The tight outfit mod help in adjusting the clothing texture. After the end of the fantastic old outfit mods.
Nearly everybody thought that the purpose of outfits is near.
Especially when older mods do not override much file than this current version.
However, covered outfit mod look precisely compatible based on the game cloth and have nearly had everything required by gamers to overtake the old boring outerwear.
In the mass effect game, the covered clothing mod brings out the best experience.
- It gives gamers access to a well-design outfits
- It gives you access to new types of
- It is straightforward to customize.
Model and Texture Mods
It is another incredible mod with excellent outcomes and a slick interface.
Model and texture mods have large design models and textures with no irritating objects inside.
It has one of the most prominent confirmed features like skins, improved texture, unique clothing, and new redesign cars & guns.
- It changes the texture of both guns and clothing.
- The mod comes with a massive pack of customizations.
- No more irritating objects again.
Control Mod – Mass Effect Andromeda mods
As the name implies, the control scheme mod gives gamers full access to the mass effect is hidden and available features.
Even to the extent of modifying and adjusting the control to match your current gamepad, which can be hard in other mods.
The control scheme mod works best in allowing you to cheat during gameplay. The mod development features are stable and accurate.
- It gives gamers access to add a new control type.
- It gives you the ability of mapping control.
- It works on a control pad.
- It is straightforward to customize.
Flying Mod
Get the iron man flying experience in the mass effect Andromeda game?
The mod will allow your character to fly around like the iron man.
With just the combination of a few buttons, you will get yourself in the skies while flying around to cover more location on the map.
However, the mod does not apply to your squad as they cannot fly around.
- Fly around like the iron man to cover more location.
- It gives you the ability to spot enemies from afar.
- You can monitor enemy position before landing.
- It only requires a few button combination to use the feature.
Remove the Evade Cooling Down Rate
With the reduce cooldown mod, you can do what you want with a single button. Does that sound familiar?
With just a single button, you can move from one location to another. It does not end here as you can do more with the remove the evade cold down mod.
- You will have the ability to move from one location to another.
- The mod is easy to use.
- Mod installation rules must be followed to ensure an accurate result.
Materials For Sale Mod
In the mass effects, Andromeda game, there is a lot of shops to visit when you are looking for an upgrade.
However, for a specified period, things might get annoying when you cannot locate the appropriate shop.
With the material sale mods on the mass effect, you can get the best craft material from the shop whenever you need it.
The items you can get include ships and other exciting things.
With the mod, you do not need to keep searching all the shops to get what you are looking for because the mod makes everything available in one shop.
- You will be able to find every material you want to buy.
- It lessens your effort of searching around the shops.
- You can get the best crafty material in a short period.
Femshepping Hair and Face Mod
Do not go around carrying that annoying hairstyle while you could change what you look like to suit your preference.
With the Femshepping mod, you can edit your characters to suit your perspective whether it's the face or hair colour.
The mod contains a few options that you can choose from to change the looks of your character.
Even when you do not feel like making a permanent change, you can use the mods experimental feature to edit your personality and find what you like.
There is no limit to the gender edit because it works for both male and female characters.
- You can change both male and female characteristics to suit your preference.
- You have many options to choose with the mod.
- Mod works with other mass effect mods.
Cora Liam Asari Armour and Hair Mod
The mass effect Andromeda hairs can be replaced to your choice by applying the Cora Liam Asari Armour and hair mod.
However, the mod tends to do more than just replacing the hair as they can work with all types of character to suit your decorative preference.
Even the armour and outfits of the style can set to different pre-sets.
- You can easily change the outfit of both male and female characters.
- The mod works with the character amour.
- The mod also comes with its pack of outfits.
Lexi Tweak Mod – Mass Effect Andromeda mods
The Lexi tweak mod allows changing the Lexi character interface to suit your preference and look a lot better.
If you can notice the Lexi character lacks, many features that would have to brighten its formal look.
However, with the tweak mod, you can alter the texture, face colour, eyebrows, and other exciting features.
- You can change the face features of Lexi to a better one.
- New customization settings added on the mod pack.
- The mod can work together with other mass effect Andromeda mods.
Pretty Cora Tweak Mod
Mass Effect 3 Change Hair Color
The Cora tweak mod allows changing the Cora character interface to suit your preference and look a lot better.
If you can notice the Cora character lacks, many features that would have to brighten its formal look.
However, with the tweak mod, you can alter the texture, face colour, eyebrows, and other exciting features.
Mass Effect Hair Mod
- You can change the face features of Cora to a better one.
- New customization settings added on the mod pack.
- The mod can work together with other beauty mods.
Mass Effect Color Palette
Weapons Mods
The purpose of this weapon mods is based on creating a realistic relic, amour, and melee weapons as well as designs on them.
With this mod, you do not need to worry about any issue or glitches on the gears, especially if you are using the below-mentioned mod packs.
However, that does not mean that there are no other gear mod packs with those exceptional features.
The mod can be quite tricky and hard to understand because it shows the entire weapons group in the inventory to bring out the best shooting action experience.
- It gives gamers access to a well-design item for your game.
- It gives you access to new guns and amours.
- It comes with different inventory items.
- It is straightforward to customize.
Fast Mining Mod
Have a quick mining process where you only need one drone during the mining process.
The drone can be powerful in collecting all the resources from the mining zone while depleting it.
The process is quite simple with this mod, unlike the conventional game method.
No more having a delay mining process, which can be tiring all during the gameplay.
- With one drone, you can have a better mining process.
- You can collect many mining resources in a short period.
- The fast mining mod can be easily customized.
Faster Kadara Doors Mod
Skip the annoying part of waiting time before you can interact with Kadara doors.
The mod decreases the time it takes before the interaction process of the Kadara door.
- The mods give you a fast, interactive time with Kadara door.
- Mod works smoothly allowing you to specify your desired time.
- The mod works efficiently with other mass effect Andromeda mods.
Addison Tweak Mod
The Addison tweak mod allows changing the Addison character interface to suit your preference and look a lot better.
If you can notice the Addison character lacks, many features that would have to brighten its formal look.
Mass Effect 2 Hair Color Vectors
However, with the tweak mod, you can alter the texture, face colour, eyebrows, and other exciting features.
- You can change the face features of Addison to a better one.
- New customization settings added on the mod pack.
- The mod can work together with other similar mods.
Mass Effect Andromeda game is a beautiful game with lots of exciting experiences throughout the whole gameplay.
Although not all of the game mods you can find online works, as they say, you might even end up downloading a harmful virus to your device.
Due to this, we have specially arranged the top 25 mods list to save you the time of searching as well as the risk of downloading the wrong content.
Here are all of the mass effect Andromeda mods that can help in improving your gameplay to its full purpose.
The newly released advanced mods will bring a fresh view and idea to the game.
All of your lag and glitches issues will also be resolved with the outstanding mods.
However, if you want more advanced gameplay with new looks and features, you will need the help of top 25 mass effects Andromeda mods.
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